(asian) movie reviews

Another Thai Movie I watch Fabulous 30 (30 Gum Lung Jaew) -2011


*sign language*

If there is a million people in this world are missing you,I would be one of them. If there is 100 people in this world, I’m still one of it.

For Por(asit) , Ja is his  Love at first sight since he was high school while for Ja, Por is just a little kid next door who is 7 years younger. 

Months before turned 31, her 7-year-relationship-boyfriend, Nope, a handsome pilot dumped her because Nope wasn’t ready to settle down. Ja was depressed and confessed through truth of dare kinda game when she celebrated her 31st birthday with her close girl friends. Por showed up on the party after weeks training in offshore to visit her grandma who lives in Bangkok.

He bravely trying to win Ja’s heart while Ja was confuse every now and then. When she gave Por a chance, Nope showed up again. Ja was kinda in between, realizing Nope wouldn’t wanted to be father of her future kids, while Por is… just a kid!

And I said, this is why I love Thai movie. Every little thing is natural 🙂 No lebay setting or what so ever . Anyway, plot is very simple and kinda slow.

Mungking karena beda rumah produksi sama BTLS, Hello Stranger and ATM, kinda so-so buat gw. Cendrung cheesy. Jadinya ngga menarik banget, perbedaan umur antara Por dan Ja yang jauh lebih tua kerap diangkat, tapi pointless. Mungkin kalo pake adegan2x apa ya…beda selera musik karena beda zaman, (ye.. ye.. macam gw sama Ito-san, gw cerita berbusa2x tentang Mili Vanili, dia bengong), ato tekologi kali ye, semestinya orang seumur Por ngga pernah kenal floppy disk 3.5″ kali ya, mungkin jadinya lebih menarik, kocak ato konyol (sok tau aja gw… hahahhaha) seperti produks GTS di tiga film yang gw dah nonton yang konyol.

Next movie : Kal ho Naa ho (There May Or May Not Be A Tomorrow)- 2003Image

Kalo sekarang Reza Rahadian ada di every other film Indonesia, tahun-tahun  segitu Sharurk Khan ada di every other film Indihe yaa…

Settingnya di New York, Naina tinggal sama ibu, nenek, adek laki2x yang maniak basket walaupun ngga bisa main basket karena kakinya disable dan adek angkatnya Gia. Nenek dan ibunya kerap bertengkar, sehingga Naina jarang banget terlihat tersenyum ikutan judes. Dia berteman baik dengan Rohit teman kuliahnya yang terkenal playboy.

Ibu Naina selain pusing sama ibu mertuanya, pusing juga sama bisnis restorannya yang mau bangkrut. Belum lagi dadi (nenek) yang benci banget sama Gia. Next days, datanglah tetangga depan Amman (Shahruk Khan) memberi warna sendiri terhadap keluarga Naina maupun extended family, relasi, etc.

Amman juga yang memberi ide untuk menolong usaha ibu Naina, brings Indian food to NY instead of selling american food. Naina yang awalnya judes banget sama Amman tiba2x ngerasa jatuh cinta. While Rohit, setelah lelah mengejar perempuan akhirnya sadar bahwa Naina adalah wanita yang dia cari.

Yaaaa…cerita cinta gitu deh…tapi mengharu biru, ngga cuma cinta segitiga ini tapi cinta seorang ibu sama anaknya yang di wakilin ibunya Aman w/ Amman, and ibunya Naina w/ her kiddos specially Gia. very unconditional love! netes2x air mata gw nontonnya…


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