on leaving

Assalamu’alaikum Wr Wb


Dear Colleagues,


Receiving so many farewell notes on my inbox all these years, today I’m afraid  I have to deliver mine to your inbox.

After a decade, my journey with C********  ends here.

I’d like to express my great gratitude for all my supervisor both direct and indirect, colleagues and peers,

specially in Credit Reviewer, Corporate Banking and Credit Admin for all the knowledge, support and all wonderful friendship.

It’s a blessed 🙂


Please accept my apologies as well, for any and all of my mistakes that may have offended you all with or without purpose on my side 


I’ll take my annual leave start on Dec 23rd and will be effectively resigned on January 6th 2012.


Until we meet again J



K*ky F*triyant*



YM : kyfird



That was my email to my colleagues ! I’m leaving the “school for bankers” hahahhahah

5 thoughts on “on leaving

  1. Dear mba kiki,

    Aku seneng bgt lho jd silent reader blog mu ini…eeh pas nemu postingan yg ini pas bgt sama situasiku skrg, so ceritanya aku mau minta tips nya sekalian curcol hehehe …aku bakal resign di akhir bulan ini but its not easy ternyata since kerja di tempatku yg skrg ini adalah cita2ku sejak dulu but then the fact that my career is stuck for several unreasonable reasons such as i’m not government employee so eventhough i did great job being promoted is a big no for me
    Sampai kemudian aku dapat tawaran dr tempat lain dgn bidang usaha yg sama, dan setelah melalui pemikiran yg panjang akhirnya aku putuskan untuk berhenti dan udah submit resignation letter juga tapi kenapa ya kok aku ngerasa sulit move on?apa krn udh bekerja selama 7 tahun di tempat idamanku which is also market leader dibidangnya?atau ngga pede krn biasanya aku bs mendompleng namaku dengan memakai embel2 nama besar perusahaanku?ngga ngertilah…tapi yg jelas aku masih susahmove on nih…kayaknya org laib gampang2 aja yaaa…how about you?do you ever feel the same?kalo boleh tau pertimbangan dirimu resign apa?krn dpt pekerjaan br atau krn mau jd stay home mommy?thanks ya untuk waktunya…aku berharap bgt bs dibales supaya bs jd masukan buat aku jg makasiihhhh

    • Hi azani, hahahahah thank you ya…
      Banyak alasan sih, tapi big picturenya sama kayak kamu kayaknya more or less.
      Yaaa pasti sedihlah, awal-awal suka ngomong “kantor gw” tuh refer kantor lama :))

      Susah juga mau kasih tips ya, tapi kalo ngerasa leads nowhere kayak di kerjaan lama memang harus pindah.
      Yes, I moved to same industry for sure and it’s not bad eventhough much much smaller compare to previous coy

  2. Wohooo!trims mba kiki masukannya..it means a lot to me…salam kenal yaa…semoga aku bs banyak belajar nulis dr dirimu…ngga muluk sih…bukan nulis yg bagus paling ngga konsisten dulu nulisnya…as what i see on ur blog hehehe

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